In Memoriam Donations
Thank you for choosing to honour the life of a loved one by making an in memoriam donation to the St Spyridon Benevolent Fund.
You can enter the name of your loved one in the Additional Information section as you complete your donation. An acknowledgment letter will be sent to the family, along with the names of people who donated.
Your tax-deductible gift will be used to provide financial support to the homeless, the poor, the destitute, and the hungry. You will receive an email with the fund’s name, the Parish ABN, and the amount gifted so you can claim the deduction.
Your loved one
of blessed memory
Maree Ellen Tsoukalas
8th January 2024
“With the Saints give rest, O Christ, to the soul of Your servant where there is no pain, nor sorrow, nor suffering, but life everlasting.”
On the fortieth day, or more often on the Sunday before the fortieth day, a Memorial Service (Mnimosino) is held in the Church during the Divine Liturgy and in which the Trisagion is also chanted. Similarly, at the third, sixth, ninth and twelve months and then annually, a Memorial Service is performed in the Church.
During the service, prayers are offered so that the deceased may receive mercy and forgiveness for the sins they may have committed in their lives. Christ, the Virgin Mary, and the saints are all asked to intercede.